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Belt rubbing on X axis  

Trusted Member
Belt rubbing on X axis

Hi Folks,

I seem to have an issue with the belt rubbing the idler on the right side of the X axis. When you look straight down from the top you can see the top of the belt is more towards the front of the printer than the lower part of the belt. Where the ends of the belt are held in place on the X axis carriage are also slightly more forward than the where the lower part of the belt runs through the X carriage.

From the sides, the pulley is aligned and the belt doesn't rub the printed parts. However you can also see from the sides the top of the belt is more towards the front than the bottom. I do have the belt very tight and may try to loosen it a bit.

Any ideas?


Publié : 07/07/2016 11:38 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Belt rubbing on X axis

Post a picture it will help, but it appears that you might have installed the belt incorrectly. I am putting mine together currently and when you think there might be an interference it usually goes away once the assembly is mounted correctly. This is a pretty well thought out piece of equipment.

If you have the belt running under the bracket that holds the extruder rather and through the part it will create an interference.

Publié : 08/07/2016 5:50 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Belt rubbing on X axis

My X-axis belt actually has a similar issue - the idler pulley on the right spins freely, but the belt appears to twist along the X-axis when changing direction. it only twists a fraction of a rotation, but it doesnt seem right and i think the belt is misaligned in the x-axis. I'm going to loosen it, realign and then re-tighten after my current print.

Publié : 08/07/2016 6:48 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Belt rubbing on X axis

So loosening the belt did the trick. I guess the belt should 'plung' more than 'ping'. It was really tight and forcing the belt to chafe on the pulley. I have completed 14+ hours of printing since and things are all good.

Publié : 10/07/2016 11:06 pm
Active Member
Re: Belt rubbing on X axis

Sorry to bump an old topic, but I'm possibly having the same or related issue - and I suspect other people will also land here if they search.

My X axis belt seems to get a bit of a twist to it while changing directions as mentioned above. I see the OP mentioned that loosening the belt solved his issue, but I don't know if that solved the other poster.

I think this gif will demonstrate it, but as the X axis changes directions, I'm seeing a small twist in the belt. I can't necessarily see if this would be related to tightness either over or under, or a matter of something to do with the idler?

If anyone has any thoughts, they'd be welcome. I think I have it tensioned/adjusted as the instructions call for, so I'm hesitant to adjust it if it's being caused by something else.

Publié : 29/08/2017 2:53 am
Membre Moderator
Re: Belt rubbing on X axis

For MK2 :


Publié : 30/08/2017 11:54 am
Hobby Hoarder
Trusted Member
Re: Belt rubbing on X axis

Sorry to bump an old topic, but I'm possibly having the same or related issue - and I suspect other people will also land here if they search.

My X axis belt seems to get a bit of a twist to it while changing directions as mentioned above. I see the OP mentioned that loosening the belt solved his issue, but I don't know if that solved the other poster.

I think this gif will demonstrate it, but as the X axis changes directions, I'm seeing a small twist in the belt. I can't necessarily see if this would be related to tightness either over or under, or a matter of something to do with the idler?

If anyone has any thoughts, they'd be welcome. I think I have it tensioned/adjusted as the instructions call for, so I'm hesitant to adjust it if it's being caused by something else.

My belts are behaving exactly the same, but as with you, I have no idea if that's normal or if I've tightened them too much. I'm thinking of printing a better belt holder that would allow me to tighten it much easier, but I don't want to break the printer apart now that it's finally working as it should.

Publié : 30/08/2017 5:14 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Belt rubbing on X axis

Mine does the same thing, I did the confused dog expression when I first noticed it but she prints fine so I considered it low priority. Maybe a toothed idler bearing with adjustable tensioner? I made one for Y, it has toothed idler but it needed some love because it was loud. X is fine beyond the x-belt doing the twist.

Since people like pictures, here is my Y-tensioner and damper mount. As usual, I wasn't satisfied with stuff on Thingiverse so made my own.

MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

Publié : 18/09/2017 12:14 am
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