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Bed level not even across bed  

Active Member
Bed level not even across bed

I just finished building the MK2S and upon running the V2calibration file I noticed that the lines at the back of the bed are more pressed down than those at the front of the bed. It's a pretty big difference.

I went ahead and tried to adjust the Live-Z height but at the back I get the PLA being pressed too close to the bed and at the front its not close enough and the first layer barely sticks (if at all). I then tried the Bed Level correction. The manual says "Negative value will act as lowering the bed in the selected direction" and so since the back of the bed seems to be closer to the nozzle, I set the Back to -50um and front to +50um. I did not set it to -50 and +50 from the get-go. I first started with setting front to +20, then back to -20, etc until I went all the way to -50 and +50.

All of that said, this still does not appear to be enough and my prints are still suffering because of it especially if the print is large enough to span the front and back of the bed.

I would really appreciate it if you guys/gals could help me fix this issue. Or does this mean I have a defective bed that's warped and need to get a replacement?

Thanks in advance for your time and help.

Napsal : 18/11/2017 9:34 am
Member Moderator
Re: Bed level not even across bed

look here.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 18/11/2017 2:04 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Bed level not even across bed

look here.

Awesome post! Thank you JeffJordan!

I will look into it further but after posting this thread, I started messing with the probe and other aspects of the printer and it completely broke the printer. It would not complete XYZ calibration always giving "XYZ Calibration failed. See manual". I ended up tweaking everything on the printer (belt tension, z-axis frame spacing from back of y-axis, PINDA probe height, etc) and was FINALLY able to get it to calibrate again. Now I'm scared to mess with anything since it's printing fine. Still have the difference in bed height from back to front but I guess I will get to that when I have time.

Napsal : 19/11/2017 4:40 pm