after only 30m prints, x-motor stuck/jammed please help
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after only 30m prints, x-motor stuck/jammed please help  

New Member
after only 30m prints, x-motor stuck/jammed please help


After first few successful prints x-motor is jammed (tried restarting the printer, checked cables etc.) - the only thing i did different last print was that i changed the printer to silent mode and turned it off without changing it back to high power mode.

this is exactly what im getting:

any ideas?

Respondido : 19/05/2017 4:13 pm
Reputable Member
Re: after only 30m prints, x-motor stuck/jammed please help

Hard telling from that clip what the issue might be. I'd try to unhinge the belt and check if everything moves smoothly without the belt attached. If it does, check pulley and idler on the other side, look for rubber debris (i.e. belt rubbing) and try different belt tension.

Silent mode on a well running printer is no problem, but since silent is achieved by sending less current to the motors, it is very picky with motion issues ..

Respondido : 20/05/2017 1:08 am