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Re: Advice and Settings for printing Ninjaflex?
Re: Advice and Settings for printing Ninjaflex?
Mark answer Rapporter le messageCitation
juin 12, 2016 3:31 pm
What are the exact problems?
Set very low tension on the extruder springs, turn off retract and slow the printer a bit (you can test this on the LCD panel)
Our flex is much easier to print and can run on PLA settings 🙂
Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
[email protected]
I am a very beginner with only 3 parts PLA printed since I get my mk3.
How do you slow the printer a bit ? What does it mean ?
When I open Slicer I have all those different speeds :
I guess Josef mean to reduce all those speeds from the LCD Menu during the printing, isn't it ?
Postato : 26/01/2019 7:45 pm
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