Addressing the Bed Leveling Failed Error
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Addressing the Bed Leveling Failed Error  

New Member
Addressing the Bed Leveling Failed Error

We just got the Original Prusa i3 MK2S 3D printer and successfully printed one of the objects on the SD Card. We turned off the printer and came back to it a few weeks later to print something and now we're getting the Bed Leveling Failed Sensor Didn't Trigger Error during the initial calibration before the job begins to print. The error occurs during calibration as the Nozzle hits the 4th location. It presses down on the bed level really hard leaving an imprint where the extruder is. The first three spots seem to be fine though. I've gone through the Self Test and calibrated the Z and XYZ. Can someone suggest a way to address this problem in the simplest terms possible?

Here are links to two videos that show what is happening:


Napsal : 09/05/2017 9:48 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Addressing the Bed Leveling Failed Error

Gantry is probably skewed (prepare for ramming speed!), and the sensor clearance is too short.

Since the nozzle is on the left side of the sensor, if either the bed or gantry are skewed too short on the left side, then the nozzle hits the bed before the sensor can detect it, and worse, it keeps pushing the bed away from the sensor.

Napsal : 10/05/2017 1:39 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Addressing the Bed Leveling Failed Error

What do you recommend for fixing it?

Napsal : 10/05/2017 7:59 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Addressing the Bed Leveling Failed Error

Lower your sensor a bit and re-level your gantry.

Napsal : 11/05/2017 12:25 am