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ABS Troubles  

Paul Dobbs
New Member
ABS Troubles

I've had my printer since March, and have gotten quite good at printing in PLA. But now, I have a part that I must print in ABS, and I can't seem to get it to work. I've tried several times, and no matter what I do, the same thing always happens: at the bottom, the print is terrible, with holes in it and blobs of plastic sticking out from it. Then at about Z=10, the print becomes very good, and it stays good up until about z=18, when it separates from the print bed.

I have tried different extruder temperatures, different print bed temperatures, adding a brim and I even tried using a raft (never did that before). The same thing happens no matter what I do.

Postato : 18/11/2017 12:40 am
Trusted Member
Re: ABS Troubles

First time (ok...may 5 to 10 times) I did ABS was a total failure.

So I bet you pushed the bed temp up to 90 or 100c for ABS. Pinda probe triggers early (high) if you're running older firmware at higher heat bed temps. You think you're at -.500, but when pinda triggers early (due to hotter bed) you might really only be at -.400. Try a live Z adjustment towards a bigger negative and see If you can get a better first layer.

If you have a bad first layer I'm not surprised it's popping off at z=18. If live adjust fixes lower layers and it still lifts, try adding a brim to your print.

Postato : 18/11/2017 1:15 am
Trusted Member
Re: ABS Troubles

Also... I have a Mk2 with /S upgrades and the last firmware I downloaded (3.0.12) had the Pinda probe / bed temp compensation logic in it. I have not tried it with ABS, but seems to work fine when switching from PLA to PETG.

Postato : 18/11/2017 1:39 am