Where to get the new (!!!) printed parts
Hi there,
My case for the new extruder switch board broke and I want to print a new one. However, the provided stl files are for the old (large) switch PCB.
Where can I find the new one?
Best wishes,
Re: Where to get the new (!!!) printed parts
I printed the old version of the switch case and it is definitely not suited for the smaller switch PCB, as the new PCB is much wider and uses the mounting holes of both, the case and the metal frame. On the old case these holes are too close to the case's walls.
Re: Where to get the new (!!!) printed parts
files are here https://github.com/prusa3d/Original-Prusa-i3/tree/Multi-Material-Upgrade/Printed-Parts/stl
Look for:
Print them from ABS or PETG 😉
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Re: Where to get the new (!!!) printed parts
Thank you for the update.
However, I created my replica yesterday to continue working. Moreover, I changed the design a little bit to make it easier to pack all the cables into the casing.
You can find my version here:
Feel also free to use it as you wish (respecting the licensing, of course). 🙂