Using Colorprint and Post Processor with MMU, The wipe tower starts in middle of print?? Help!
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Using Colorprint and Post Processor with MMU, The wipe tower starts in middle of print?? Help!  

Eminent Member
Using Colorprint and Post Processor with MMU, The wipe tower starts in middle of print?? Help!


I'm trying to print the excellent famous birdfeeder from Thingiverse, and wanted it to be dual color.

I have the Prusa MK2 MMU, but the stl is single color. So I thought I'd give Colorprint a go, and sliced the file in Slic3r Prusa MMU edition, and then proceeded to process the file using the online Colorprint tool. I chose multi-material, added 3 color changes, and downloaded the file.
I then used the post processor to add the wipe tower, but after previewing the file, the wipe tower doesn't start to print until the first color-change in the middle of the model. It hangs in the air..

I thought it might be Simplify3D that didn't know how to preview gcode from Slic3r MMU, but after trying to print the file, it starts off as if in single extruder mode, no wipetower or priming, then in the middle of the print it changes tools and start printing the wipetower in mid air.. not cool.

Is there a trick to using the colorprint feature for us with the actual mmu upgrade that I'm not aware of?

I find it strange that we simply can't choose a layer and add a colorchange right inside Slic3r.. that should not be that hard to implement..

Klaus - Norway.

Best regards,
Klaus - Norway.

Opublikowany : 19/10/2017 8:41 pm
Active Member
Re: Using Colorprint and Post Processor with MMU, The wipe tower starts in middle of print?? Help!

Hi Klaus!

I think what you want to do is possible in Slic3r:

1. Add the model and select it. Then use the "Cut..." tool in slic3r. Select the layer height where you want the color change to happen. Just keep the lower part and uncheck keeping the upper part. Also uncheck to "rotate the lower part upwards". Click "Perform cut".

2. Double click the cut model on the plater. Click "Load part" and just reload the entire part. Now you can set an extruder for the lower and upper part. And have two colors.

The same way it is possible to add more color changes. I hope this was what you have been looking for.


Opublikowany : 04/11/2017 10:42 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Using Colorprint and Post Processor with MMU, The wipe tower starts in middle of print?? Help!

I'm going to keep an eye on this post, and hope this is a solution. I too have tried and failed using the Color Print program. Instead I have been using the "change filament" option.

Opublikowany : 06/11/2017 4:20 am
Active Member
Re: Using Colorprint and Post Processor with MMU, The wipe tower starts in middle of print?? Help!

I tried this as I though it would work as described. Unfortunately when I cut the original it does cut it but then puts each half on different position but on the build surface. I cannot seem to get it to cut and keep the pieces stacked on top of each other.

Opublikowany : 11/12/2017 7:04 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Using Colorprint and Post Processor with MMU, The wipe tower starts in middle of print?? Help!

I tried this as I though it would work as described. Unfortunately when I cut the original it does cut it but then puts each half on different position but on the build surface. I cannot seem to get it to cut and keep the pieces stacked on top of each other.

Thats not how you are supposed to do it, reread marek's post, it should work:

Hi Klaus!

I think what you want to do is possible in Slic3r:

1. Add the model and select it. Then use the "Cut..." tool in slic3r. Select the layer height where you want the color change to happen. Just keep the lower part and uncheck keeping the upper part. Also uncheck to "rotate the lower part upwards". Click "Perform cut".

2. Double click the cut model on the plater. Click "Load part" and just reload the entire part. Now you can set an extruder for the lower and upper part. And have two colors.

The same way it is possible to add more color changes. I hope this was what you have been looking for.


Opublikowany : 12/12/2017 8:32 am