Unknown error, not extruding after initial wipe lines
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[Closed] Unknown error, not extruding after initial wipe lines  

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Unknown error, not extruding after initial wipe lines

Using Slicer PE edition, 1.38.6 on the MK2S MMU with firmware 3.1.0. I am able to print just fine in MM single mode and multimaterial profile if I am only using one extruder. Layer height is perfect, prints come out just as expected. But for some reason when I do a multipart object with minimum 2 extruders things get weird. I change nothing but the fact that I'm using the 2 extruders, calibration goes well, the 2 prime lines, solid and full... then the wipe tower... all of a sudden it's as if the flow rate bottoms out and the filament is just dribbling out, so the wipe tower gets a first corner then the rest is just slowly dribbling filament onto the nozzle that doesn't stick to the bed. I thought I had clogs initially but if I cancel the print and heat to extrude it's fine, I even used live Z adjust ot make sure that for some reason the wipe tower area was not being calibrated properly and the filament was getting jammed. I can visually see it goes from a very solid full wipe lines to dribbling. If I cancel the print and perform a single mode print with the last filament... perfect print.

Something is going on with my code for multimaterial and 2 or more extruders and I cannot understand what is happening. I really could use some help!

I have had successs in the past with multimaterial so I know my machine side is mechanically functional, I just didn't use it for a month during holidays and updated the PE version and now I have no idea what's going on. I've tried different files, locations for wipe tower... I am totally lost. I attached the latest gcode text i had into a .txt file so if anyone knows how to interpret and see if there's some weird addition being made that's causing my issue, I'd be very thankful.

Napsal : 31/01/2018 10:01 am