Switching between MMU and SMU
I just got my MMU nad was wondering about swtiching between Multi-Material Head and Single Material head. I would like to be able to switch back and forth, depending upon the type of material I am printing, or if one of them has a problem. My thought was I could modify the cable interface to have connectors placed conveniently (external to the Rambo box). I could also put quick disconnects on the Bowden tubes and just leave the extruders on the top. Has anyone looked at this option? Would I also need to re-flash the firmware each time I switched heads?
Re: Switching between MMU and SMU
Over on this thread - https://shop.prusa3d.com/forum/original-prusa-i3-mk2-multimaterial-f26/ninjaflex-and-the-extruders-t5655-s10.html - I've been messing about with a simple switchable printhead for single material. It's become my default configuration when I dont need dissolvable support.
Re: Switching between MMU and SMU
Hey thanks; That's actually a much better solution than my idea. Have you worked out the details of the direct drive MMU and the slicer settings?
I haven't even assembled the MMU yet, but I think I will try your hack.
Thanks again.
Re: Switching between MMU and SMU
For the slicer settings I'm just using the ones that I had for the original Prusa before I did the MM upgrade. The only pain point now is that I have to load the filament by hand (via Octoprint in my case, loading the filament by extruding the material using the manual controls).