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Retracting filament from multiplexer issue  

New Member
Retracting filament from multiplexer issue


I just installed my MMU and everything works perfectly fine up until it needs to exchange filament colors. Color 1 works fine and printed it's first layer, but then it went to make the print bed and get rid of excess color 1, the color 2 was blocked and would not feed into the multiplexer which I believe was due to color 1 not retracting far enough. Is there a setting to make the extruders retract a certain length when color is completed on the layer so that it will not be in the way of the multiplexer for the next color to feed in?

ALL firmware and Slic3r is updated to the latest versions as well.

Thanks in advance.


Postato : 29/11/2017 2:46 am
Vojtěch Bubník
Utenti Admin
Re: Retracting filament from multiplexer issue

Please verify that the 2nd filament gets loaded into the nozzle without skipping. You may need to re-seat the cooling tubes below the festo bowden clamps, they may not be aligned with the bowden clamps properly. It helps, if you stick a short piece of filament into the cooling tube while you are screwing the bowden clamp into the Y splitter.

Postato : 29/11/2017 8:16 pm