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PVA stringing  

New Member
PVA stringing

I'm trying to print PLA with PVA, but the stinging is so severe that it even went into the PLA and left with so many litte holes between layers. No matter what tempreture (from 170-200), or how much retraction (from 2-10mm), or Z hop (0.5-5mm), it just won't go away. Did some one have the same problem like this? Thanks!

Postato : 25/11/2017 9:59 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: PVA stringing

I don't know if it is the PVA fillament, it's from GIZMO dorks, and it became soft after I left it open for several days. It gets stringing so easily even I unloaded the fillment, it has a long stringing tail.

Postato : 25/11/2017 10:34 pm
Estimable Member
Re: PVA stringing

PVA is very hygroscopic, so it absorbs moisture from the air.
I have no experience with PVA, but I suppose leaving it out in the open for a few days could be the explanation for the stringing.

Try drying a piece and test it. putting it in a bag with fresh desiccant would be my first choice, drying it in the oven the second.
I read that drying in the oven bears a certain risk to affect the printing properties.

Good luck!

Postato : 26/11/2017 9:47 pm