PVA Primaselect does not stick to itself with recommended settings
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PVA Primaselect does not stick to itself with recommended settings  

New Member
PVA Primaselect does not stick to itself with recommended settings

Hi! I have been trying to find a solution but I simply can't find any way to solve this problem.

Primaselect PVA is the recommended soluble filament for PLA on the Prusa MK2S MM, but it works terrible for me, it wont stick to itself with the recommended settings and I can't for the life of me, find a way to change the settings for this filament... I can only change speed, patter, infill % and nozzle diameter, none of which really helps.

There are many properties that I would like to change that might make a difference, temperature and fan speed for one, but also overlap of the infill and sheath around the support ... this is the most useless thing I have seen in the soluble support behavior... they do not even touch!!! why on earth use a sheath if it will not touch the support itself???

Also, making the hexagon pattern print in two direction should help a lot, compared to the current single direction
[attachment=0]dos direcciones [Converted].png[/attachment]

... there seem to be so many things wrong with standard settings for soluble supports that I cannot believe it is properly working for anyone.
Please let us have a bit more control over the support settings.
Or someone tell me how they made it work for Primaselect PVA.

Napsal : 19/11/2017 2:40 pm
Active Member
Re: PVA Primaselect does not stick to itself with recommended settings

I am not having great success with PVA yet either, but I'm a little confused by why you are having trouble adjusting many features of the filament including extrusion temp. I am using Slic3R Prusa Edition 1.37.2 and all of those adjustments are there under 'Filament Settings'. Possibly you are using Prusa Control instead of Slic3R.

I have had better success with PVA after setting the temp to 195 and Extrusion multiplier to 1.15 (a sensitive setting which takes some experimentation). In your picture it looks to me like the extrusion temp is high. Also, I think print fan should be off.

Napsal : 21/11/2017 4:13 am
Vojtěch Bubník
Member Admin
Re: PVA Primaselect does not stick to itself with recommended settings

> There are many properties that I would like to change that might make a difference, temperature and fan speed for one, but also overlap of the infill and sheath around the support ... this is the most useless thing I have seen in the soluble support behavior... they do not even touch!!! why on earth use a sheath if it will not touch the support itself???

The sheath should be touching the support base. It was an obvious bug. It will be fixed in the next Slic3r release.


Napsal : 30/11/2017 4:37 pm