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Purge tower adhesion issues  

Estimable Member
Purge tower adhesion issues

Anyone else having problems with the purge tower adhesion? It seems to be partially loosening from the build plate. First layer looks good though, enough "squish".

Veröffentlicht : 29/12/2017 4:35 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Purge tower adhesion issues

Mine starts to lift in the corners as well due to thickness and usually being in a corner of the bed. Try adding glue stick where the tower will be. An enclosure could also help.

Veröffentlicht : 29/12/2017 5:21 pm
Estimable Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Purge tower adhesion issues

The problem with my enclosure (see other threads) is that I get heat creap and filament jams :/

Never had the need to smear anything on the build plate, that's what I liked about the Prusa. Seems I'll have to resort to this anyway 🙁

Veröffentlicht : 29/12/2017 5:31 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Purge tower adhesion issues

I've had a similar issue with mine, over time the film that goes on the bed just seems to wear out, but the good news is that the glue sticks have worked fantastically for me. They clean up easily with paper-towel and rubbing alcohol too.

I don't know what the difference is with normal glue sticks and the brand that was sent with the printer, but I prefer the brand included with the printer. I was actually thinking of doing a bulk order of them eventually because of how well they seem to work lol.

The other thing that I've noticed can make a difference with the wipe tower is if it globs out too much filament during the first few layers of wiping on it. If it globs and then the nozzle hits it on the next layer, it can peel it up if the wipe tower isn't tall enough yet. I just wait next to the printer for the first couple layers with some really fine side cutting pliers and snip off anything that raises up too high. I'm hoping for my sake that it is just feed path resistance in the multiplexer that causes that and that my new multiplexer will fix the gobbing.

Time will tell, I'll let you know if my print quality increases!

Veröffentlicht : 30/12/2017 4:08 am
Estimable Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Purge tower adhesion issues



Doing a 24h print and it failed for the second time.

First time because the wiper tower loosened and after 19 hours it came completely loose and the printer started printing in mid-air.
Then I did the gluestick which works incredibly well I must say, but now after 23 hours the purge tower just delaminated at somewhere around layer 3, got itself unstuck from the layers below (it's the BVOH not adhering enough to the PLA) and I found it next to the printer. 😥

Here you see the underside of the part that loosened (I removed a big part of the purge tower and threw it away already, hence its small size):

And this is how for I got 🙁

Veröffentlicht : 31/12/2017 1:43 am
Trusted Member
Re: Purge tower adhesion issues

I haven't experimented much with the dissolvable filaments much myself, I was having issues getting it to print right at all but it looks like you were damn close!

One thing I might suggest is using PLA for the main parts of the supports and then using the BVOH for the interface layers. It's easy to set up in slic3r, there is a whole different setting for it under the drop down "Print Settings".

If it doesn't have to use as much of that material, you might have better luck with it adhering the the PLA since it won't have to quite as often.

Just a thought.

Veröffentlicht : 31/12/2017 11:57 am
Trusted Member
Re: Purge tower adhesion issues

BTW, that silver filament looks fantastic!

Can't tell if it is just photogenic or if you got a really good metallic looking filament.

What kind of filament is it?

Veröffentlicht : 31/12/2017 12:00 pm