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Prima PVA wont stick to itself  

Active Member
Prima PVA wont stick to itself

hi, when I print support material with Prima PVA it wont bond to itself - I'm just getting strings

any ideas? I've tried more heat, less heat, etc - but I don't know whats going on

notice the first layer is good, but in the second the layers aren't bonding

a possible clue is that the PLA looks good, and the PVA strings between the object and the wipe tower

Veröffentlicht : 24/11/2017 1:29 am
New Member
Re: Prima PVA wont stick to itself

Same problem here, any luck?

Veröffentlicht : 31/12/2017 4:30 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Prima PVA wont stick to itself

I've had a similar issue but I didn't have much time to try and figure it out.

Since I've been pretty active on the forums the last couple days though, there was a post on a different thread about BVOH vs PVA. He said that PVA was much harder to print and in order to make it work properly, he needed to lower the print speed of the support filament when using PVA pretty drastically.

Maybe that could help?

If not, I hear spending the extra cash on BVOH is totally worth it for the ease of printing.

Veröffentlicht : 01/01/2018 1:48 am