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Multimaterial vault boy  

Active Member
Multimaterial vault boy

I whipped up a multimaterial version of my vault boy here:

original dual extrusion version here:

Show me your prints please!

(also slipped this is mk3 forum, hope that's alright)

Publié : 04/01/2018 8:10 am
Trusted Member
Re: Multimaterial vault boy

Made a picture frame for my girlfriend's cross stitch recently. I'll upload stls eventually but there are a lot of pieces so it'll take some time I don't have right now.

That was a fun project 🙂

Working on another for my brother currently but it won't be ready for awhile. I will post more as they finish

Publié : 04/01/2018 8:29 am
Trusted Member
Re: Multimaterial vault boy

ahhh, neat!

....And I thought that these helmets would be bugs, when I saw the image in the Multiplexer thread 😀

Publié : 06/01/2018 10:38 am
Trusted Member
Re: Multimaterial vault boy

ahhh, neat!

....And I thought that these helmets would be bugs, when I saw the image in the Multiplexer thread 😀

You didn't immediately recognize them as MegaMan?!

Publié : 06/01/2018 11:08 am
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