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MMU Spitfire Plans  

Active Member
MMU Spitfire Plans

Hi Everyone,
Have a small issue I'd like some help with.
I bought a MK2S and it's been great, one of the things I have printed is the Spitfire from 3dPrintLabs GCodes that came with the MK2/S.
Later I upgraded to the MMU.

My problem is this, I need to print some more Spitfire parts but the GCodes for the MK2/S are not compatible with the MMU upgrade.

I'm hoping I don't have to re-convert my printer back to a MK2S just for these parts 🙁

Does anyone have MMU compatible GCodes for the Spitfire design ? (Or can Prusa Research Supply them ?)



Veröffentlicht : 26/10/2017 2:50 am
Jakub Dolezal
Mitglied Admin
Re: MMU Spitfire Plans

Hi Mark,
I will talk to the devs, currently only G-codes for MK2/S are provided, but in your case MMU Single Mode is needed.

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Veröffentlicht : 29/10/2017 1:01 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: MMU Spitfire Plans

That would be awesome !!!!

I really don't want to have to reverse the MMU kit for the parts I need.

In Anticipation



Veröffentlicht : 01/11/2017 8:06 am
Active Member
Re: MMU Spitfire Plans

Hi there!

This is my answer of:
Hi Mark,
I will talk to the devs, currently only G-codes for MK2/S are provided, but in your case MMU Single Mode is needed.

I had to print Spitfire and it was easiest by using the Spitfire Plans (.gcodes).
Unfortunately I had installed the MMU-kit just a month ago. Now I had to test how to print Spitfire Plans with MMU kit installed.
I asked some help but got all answers that unfortunately Spitfire Plans are for MK2S only and do not work for MK2S/MMU. I had already tested it and I knew how bad the result will be.

By modifying the .gcode files I got excellent results and no problems! I tested 10 different configurations. I altered settings and the final settings are for PET filament as follows.

How I did it? This is a detailed instruction:
I run the skript that replaced all findings of all the files in the folder MMU_Spitfire_plates_gcodes created for this case. Instead you can use any word prosessor to make the same thing for each .gcode file you are going to print. Take into account that there are some 100.000 replaces required for all occations on those six files. Note that replacing takes much looooooooooonger time than finding 🙄 Nothing is wrong, it just takes time at least in my slow 3D control computer.

Replace all:
G1 E-0.8000 F1800 => G1 E-4.0000 F3000
G1 E0.1200 F1800 => G1 E3.9500 F3000

After some tests I desided not to return the filament exactly back to it's original location. I think (at least in theory) teflon tubes will contract slitely when the filament preassure releases and if I return the filament back to it original location ( +4 mm) I see a very small differense in printing. So this is better setting from my point of view.

PET is good for Spitfire but take care you print it as hot as you filament allows and not stringing. My filament is original PRUSA PETG. This builds a strong and consistent structure in addition so wonderful transparency and shine on the surface.

By my experience - If you use PRUSA PETG replace these lines too:
M140 S55 => M140 S90
M190 S55 => M190 S90
M104 S230 T0 => M104 S250 T0
M109 S230 T0 => M109 S250 T0

This is all I can share with you so far.

Happy printings and flying with Spitfire

Veröffentlicht : 17/11/2017 8:32 am
Active Member
Re: MMU Spitfire Plans

Some practical help to convert Spitfire gcodes for MMU version.

I found a very nice feature from Notepad++ to use for gcode editing.
If you do not have Notepad++ installed you can download it easlily.

When Notepad++ is installed open all Spitfire files at once on Notepad++. Next select string you want to replace and enter the nwe string to replace.
Next select the button "Replace on all open files" and in seconds all you Spitfirefiles contain exactly the same string instead of the origilans.

I got result that over 113 600 replacements were madi just in couple of seconds. 🙂
Please remember to save all files one by one from the disc icon before closing the Notepad++.
The conversion work from MK2S to MK2S/MMU is completed so well that you can print missing or broken parts. I'w already printed all other parts but the wings. The first set is on the half way and the result looks acceptable.


Veröffentlicht : 17/11/2017 4:59 pm
Active Member
Re: MMU Spitfire Plans

I came facing to the BIG backdraw!

The fusdelage was quite easy to print and by small bodywork it is usable anyway.

But the code modification I told abowe did not work for the wings. They are therrible anyway.
The skin of the wing iscroase in all places where there is ribs or spars inside the wing, the same way it was in body parts before.
The retraction and returning parameters did not help on that. It helpped only on the fuselage main components.
Now I hawe ask more instructions from PRUSA how to continue!

Anyway the work continue and I hope there will be a solution sooner or later.

Sorry if I gave some unfounded hope.
Unfortunately my disapointment is still bigger than all of yours together!!! 😳 😳 😳
Brgds PEPE

Veröffentlicht : 17/11/2017 8:53 pm
Active Member
Re: MMU Spitfire Plans

Answer to:
"Does anyone have MMU compatible GCodes for the Spitfire design ? (Or can Prusa Research Supply them ?) "

I have now printed the whole Spitfire with my own landin gears, exthouse, oil cooler cowlings, airintake etc.

Altering .gcode was unexpetly hard. I printed every part dy unique settings. This anyway show that with very basic MMU configuration printer everything works. Not perfectly, far from that, but you can use them in flying Spitfire.

An amasing problem rose up only when I needed my freshly bought PVA as a support material. What ewer I tried it did not work. PVA stuck always under the steel tube inside Y-block. If PVA was under 200 C it stuck so badly that PVA blocked all extruders. PVA on 220 C only PVA stuck somewhere in middle of printing and the result wasen't as expected.



Veröffentlicht : 23/11/2017 9:25 pm