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Is this Z banding? How to fix?  

Active Member
Is this Z banding? How to fix?

Since the MM upgrade I've been having this issue. I haven't really cared about it until now, but I'm trying to get the quality back to the MK2S, or at least close to it.

I don't think it's caused by vibrations, the printer sits on a pretty sturdy workbench, which worked fine pre mmu. I've also heard maybe the hotend could be loose, but it seems to be secure.

PLA Hatchbox Gold

Any help would be much appreciated!


Veröffentlicht : 01/12/2017 8:36 pm
Noble Member
Re: Is this Z banding? How to fix?

So, it is important to try to isolate if you have a hardware problem, or a slicing problem. Does it do this banding when printing a pre-sliced .gcode?

My first guess would be temperature swings - have you done a PID calibration on the extruder?

My second guess would be your tensions on the extruder screws is too tight, biting into the filament creating intermittent small jams that make the filament flow uneven. If when you "unload" a filament if it has lots of cuts from the Bondtech extruder gear pair, you have it too tight.

Hatchbox (including gold) has been very reliable for me. What temperature are you printing at?

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Veröffentlicht : 03/12/2017 1:22 am