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Intermittent extruder operation  

New Member
Intermittent extruder operation

Hi guys, i'm having a strange problem with the printer.

During print the extruder stops working for no apparent reason. Since the extruder motors are fixed i cant blame the wiring.

You can see the gaps left in the attached photo.

I tried making a video but my phone is not cooperating. The extruder is indeed stopping and the continuing as nothing happened.

Check list:
Hot end, clear (2-3 cold pulls)
Steel tubes, clear
Hot end PTFE tube correctly placed( i replaced the original that came with the MM kit since it had a dia of 1.9mm at the heat break interface instead of 1.8mm and was causing lots of problems with material switching- the replacement is correctly chamfered)
I get the normal resistance wen hand feeding the filament down
The extruder switching is working as it should.

the printer has printed normally for 327 meters of filament and now is acting out on me..

The intermittent operation continues for all extruders, no matter witch one is selected some times it's working correctly some times it's not.

Napsal : 01/12/2017 4:18 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Intermittent extruder operation

try checking to see if the screws holding the extruder gears on are tight,
I had a similar issue and it was just a loose bolt.

See my stuff at

Napsal : 01/12/2017 5:34 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Intermittent extruder operation

Nope, screws are tight..

I believe it might be a f/w issue or something electronic, like a pin is floating when it should be grounded.

I'm asking if someone has encountered the same problem..

I'd like to note my motor multiplexing board is slightly different than the one in the assembly instructions.

Napsal : 01/12/2017 9:25 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Intermittent extruder operation

try reseating all of the connectors on the multiplexor.

I had motor problems and this cured the issue

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 01/12/2017 9:55 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Intermittent extruder operation

Joan i tried it no improvement.

I reseated all the motor connections.

It's like the extruder stops when the print head changes directions, like it isn't enabling the extruder after a direction change or the enable pin of the driver isn't properly pulled high or low or its missing a whole G1 Exxx line on the g code file.. It also does it in the first layer calibration procedure.

Video of the problem

Napsal : 06/12/2017 7:22 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Intermittent extruder operation

HI, I had the same issue with mine after I got it and did a few prints, however it wasn't electronic but the bolts that hold the Bondtech extruder gears to the motor shaft came loose.
after I tightened them it fixed my problem. I know this may not be your problem but I thought I would share.

See my stuff at

Napsal : 08/12/2017 8:30 am