How to set the screws on the extruder feeder?
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How to set the screws on the extruder feeder?  

Active Member
How to set the screws on the extruder feeder?

Hi, I'm not sure if I have the tension set correctly on the extruder gears - how tightly should those be set? do I want so much pressure that the filament gets imprinted with the gear?

Veröffentlicht : 21/11/2017 11:29 pm
Noble Member
Re: How to set the screws on the extruder feeder?

The instructions say 5mm from the body. My filament has slight impressions from the gears, but not deep. If I over tighten, and get deep impressions, the filament will clog in the steel tubes. For me I find it is right about then the spring begins to engage (with filament in it).

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Veröffentlicht : 23/11/2017 2:05 am
Reputable Member
Re: How to set the screws on the extruder feeder?

I haven't had time yet, but I would try to print a flat slab and release the screws while it is extruding until the filament detaches from the gears. Then tighten again one or two turns.
It's the only method I can think of that gives you comparable pressure on all extruders, otherwise they would differ a bit due to irregularities in the springs and printed parts. I've also seen the problem with stuck filament in the metal tube when pressure is too high and it seems to be different for each spool, so I'll try to get my springs as loose as possible.
I did something similar with a printer with vertical bowden setup once. I attached a weight to the filament and then adjusted tension until the extruder could pull it up.

Veröffentlicht : 23/11/2017 12:52 pm