How to measure heatbreak diameter without pro-tools!
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[Cerrado] How to measure heatbreak diameter without pro-tools!  

Trusted Member
How to measure heatbreak diameter without pro-tools!


I recently read about someone measuring the diameter of the heatbreak with appropriate test pins. Some other people mentioned they do not have such tools.

Well, I don't have them too. But you can measure the diameter quite exactly with the following, cheap and easy method:

1. Get the heatbreak or what ever hole whose diameter you want to measure. It should also work with the PTFE tubing.

2. Get a lighter and some filament. I use PETG, but it should work with other filaments too.

3. Critical: Light the filament, wait for a second until it forms a flaming drop. Not too long!!! ❗

4. Press it inside the hole. Not too deep, just a little. Then wait until it cooled down. Here it is shown for both sides:

5. Pull it out with as little force possible. To do so, take another piece of filament and push from the other side.

6. Tadaa! Take the mold and measure the diameter. This is from the original heatbreak that came with the Mk2 one and a half year ago in June '16:

Here you see 1,9 mm on the cold end, and 2,2 mm on the hot end.

Oh, and such a vernier caliper is not a pro tool. You can get those for about 3-4 $ (Yes, unbelievable cheap...) from aliexpress or ebay (China). If you want another decimal place take the 10$ ones with metal shaft.

Respondido : 04/02/2018 8:41 pm
Active Member
Re: How to measure heatbreak diameter without pro-tools!

another trick :
kill your print by pressing X on the control panel and let it cool down. then retract the filament.
the tip will be at heatbreak entry diameter, max.

Respondido : 06/02/2018 6:51 am
Miembro Moderator
Re: How to measure heatbreak diameter without pro-tools!

another trick :

Do the atomic pull 😉


Respondido : 06/02/2018 1:09 pm