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Heatbed Thermal Runaway  

Eminent Member
Heatbed Thermal Runaway

Midway through a print my Prusa I3 MK2 MM produces a message:


Printing then stops. This has happened three times, both via Octoprint and printing directly from the SD card.

The last few entries of the Octoprint terminal log look like this:

Send: M105
Recv: ok T:241.5 /240.0 B:77.5 /90.0 T0:241.5 /240.0 @:28 B@:127
Send: M105
Recv: ok T:241.3 /240.0 B:77.5 /90.0 T0:241.3 /240.0 @:38 B@:127
Send: M105
Recv: ok T:240.0 /240.0 B:77.5 /90.0 T0:240.0 /240.0 @:77 B@:127

The B (bed temp, I think) value (77.5) has drifted down from its initial setting of 90. (I am assuming that's what's happening -- I can't find a decoder ring for the terminal shorthand.)

Any troubleshooting suggestions?

Publié : 15/09/2017 10:21 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Heatbed Thermal Runaway


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 15/09/2017 10:55 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Heatbed Thermal Runaway

Thanks, Peter.

Publié : 15/09/2017 11:06 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Heatbed Thermal Runaway

Peter's suggested search enabled me to solve the problem.

No loose wires, no broken wires, no bad solder joints, no flaky connections, no issues with electronics...

The "thermal runaway" in this case was caused by my attempting to print a small part in PET in the center of the print bed -- right above the bed's heat sensor. Heat from the PET part (240°C) was confusing the bed's heat sensor, which was trying to maintain 90°C.

The solution, which I found in the search results, was to move the part away from the center of the bed.

Publié : 16/09/2017 8:48 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Heatbed Thermal Runaway

Thanks for this. I had the exact same thing happen while printing PETG and was immediately worried that I had a defective printer. Did a quick search and this post came up. I was able to re-arrange objects on the print bed and the problem was solved. :mrgreen:

Publié : 10/10/2017 12:10 am
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