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Flexfill 98A settings?  

Reputable Member
Flexfill 98A settings?

Hi everybody,
has anybody optimized print settings for Fillamentum Flexfill (98A) yet? My initial tests were encouraging, but with more complicated models I have problems.
Specifically, is it ok to leave retracts on defaults (I think yes)?
How to set the bondtech gears?
Fan settings?
I think 205/55° is fine, 40mm/sec was doable for small test prints basically using 0.10 optimal presets.

Publié : 10/12/2017 2:17 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Flexfill 98A settings?

Using the settings in Slic3r for SemiFlex or Flexfill98A (filament) AND .2mm SemiFlex (Print Settings) works great. Speed is set to 20mm/s, and work. The one tweak that I would recommend is to reduce the tension on the bond tech, mine is set to 5.5mm. When it was in the NORMAL range, it tended to bind up. There is a odd behavior with the speed % during the print starting at 109% which I then have to adjust to keep it running slower.

Hope this helps,

Publié : 13/12/2017 12:19 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Flexfill 98A settings?

Yes indeed, I started out with the regular settings and got useable results (but too much blobbing, for example the handle on Marvin was a solid blob). However, for multimaterial the filament tip upon unloading must be clean to prevent tangling on material change.
My current settings are (starting with the Flexfill 98A profile):
Fan on, auto cooling on (70-90%, bridges 100%)
Max volumetric speed: 5mm/sec
Extrusion multiplier: 1.2
Temps 215°/55°.

Reducing the temps further leads to extruder slippage. I didn't have to tweak gear tension, but I dialed them in from too soft settings until PLA stopped to slip, then increased one more turn. So I think I'm going easy on the gears anyway.
Right now my tip looks very good, at 220° I had 1-2cm of stringing on the end. I think I have to reduce fan speed, maybe only use auto cooling because I'm loosing some detail on the model. The image shows the results with my settings (0.2mm layers), I think I'm pretty close. But I have no experience with this material, if anyone thinks this looks terrible please let me know.

Publié : 13/12/2017 1:36 pm
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