Filament Extrudion Delay - Single Extruder Mode
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Filament Extrudion Delay - Single Extruder Mode  

Eminent Member
Filament Extrudion Delay - Single Extruder Mode

I've been having a slight problem printing models in single extruder mode. After the filament is primed there is a period where the printer attempts to print the skirt (or the part if there is no skirt), the nozzle moves somewhere between 100 and 200MM before any filament is extruded. Prior to this some tiny blobs come out before it starts extruding the proper amount. This is a minor annoyance, but it makes it difficult to adjust the ZHeight and requires that I add a skirt to compensate for every print, which is usually not necessary and sometimes impossible due to space constraints.

Is there a setting somewhere that needs to be changed, or is this a build issue?


Respondido : 09/10/2017 4:45 pm
Active Member
Re: Filament Extrudion Delay - Single Extruder Mode

I have this problem also. The MMU in single mode fails to prime or the wrong extruder primes and blocks the extruder I want to use.

Respondido : 14/10/2017 8:11 pm
Active Member
Re: Filament Extrudion Delay - Single Extruder Mode

Any answer to this? I seem to have the same problem... since extruder doesn't start extruding sometimes moves 100mm. This kills prints especially small ones...

Even with Prusa GCODE like for the whistle?

Respondido : 06/01/2018 11:25 pm
Active Member
Re: Filament Extrudion Delay - Single Extruder Mode

I'm posting here too - go into the gCode for your file and change the first occurrence of G1 E-4 F1000 to G1 E0 F1000, it'll fix the extra 4mm retraction issue.

Respondido : 07/01/2018 8:27 am
Estimable Member
Re: Filament Extrudion Delay - Single Extruder Mode

I used to have this, but this seems solved with the latest version of slic3r.

Respondido : 07/01/2018 7:12 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Filament Extrudion Delay - Single Extruder Mode

Actually, 1.38.7 still has this issue on MAC. I reverted to defaults on installation and still had the offending gcode line.

Respondido : 07/01/2018 8:35 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Filament Extrudion Delay - Single Extruder Mode

Really weird. Have been doing plenty of single material prints and never had problems.
I used to though. This I solved by moving the extruder manually 150mm after each new filament load.

Respondido : 07/01/2018 11:10 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Filament Extrudion Delay - Single Extruder Mode

Maybe you carried your settings over from previous installs? It happened to me once and I only noticed when nothing worked with the next version.

Respondido : 08/01/2018 9:09 am