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ColorPrint Issue with MM  

Eric Hughey
New Member
ColorPrint Issue with MM

So my MMU is working fine for single color, single piece prints and also with multicolor prints that contain multiple pieces. My issue is when I try to print a single piece with color changes at certain layers, which should be simple with ColorPrint.
However, when I slice an object in Slic3r, import it into ColorPrint and set color changes, and then run that through the Post Processor, it does not work. Trying to print the resulting file does not print a wipe tower and does not switch extruders at the set layer heights.

Is there something I am missing?

Veröffentlicht : 31/10/2017 6:11 pm
Eminent Member
Re: ColorPrint Issue with MM

Having the same problems, ColorPrint won't work right for me either.

Veröffentlicht : 31/10/2017 10:17 pm
Estimable Member
Re: ColorPrint Issue with MM

Yes, this bugs me as well.

As far as I can tell, the colorprint functionality was built into the Prusa Slic3r edition, and PrusaControl but like the Variable layer height , is only available for standard printers, and disabled for MMU models.

As far as I was able to find out, te only way to have colorchanges at the moment, is to use Slic3r to cut the model at the points where you want colorchanges.

  • Cut Model (not split) at desired layer height. SELECT keep lower, DESELECT rotate lower, Delselect Keep upper.

  • rightclick model, opn settings.

  • select the model, click Load Part (NOT load modifier)

  • select the same file again in the open file dialog.

  • Assign extruders

  • slice, and check preview if all changes happen correctly. If not, you might have to change the order of parts in the settings window.
  • This is quite a pain to do, and I really wish Prusa would stop treating the MMU like a step-child and get the software support done.

    Veröffentlicht : 02/11/2017 9:01 am
    New Member
    Re: ColorPrint Issue with MM

    Thanks for the info on using cut with Slic3r, I can perform one extruder change E1->E2, however when trying to do E2 - E1 using the cut method as listed Slic3r only outputs one color for gcode.

    Veröffentlicht : 11/11/2017 5:47 pm
    Estimable Member
    Re: ColorPrint Issue with MM

    Thanks for the info on using cut with Slic3r, I can perform one extruder change E1->E2, however when trying to do E2 - E1 using the cut method as listed Slic3r only outputs one color for gcode.

    This is possibly because you need to change the order of the parts in the menu.
    There are up/down buttons when you select a part of an object.

    Play around with different orders and see if that helps.

    Veröffentlicht : 13/11/2017 12:14 pm