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Buyer's Remorse?  

Active Member
Buyer's Remorse?

Just kind of me venting I guess but also looking for assistance/confirmation on some things.

It seems like I have to babysit every print. Once a print gets going it seems to turn out great, just the initial time is a pain. After finishing prints the printer always seems to require a full extraction of all used filaments then cut the end off and re-insert next print. Even doing that I still seem to get lots of stuck filament in the metal tube section. Sometimes the initial purge lines just don't extrude correctly and the nozzle can get gummed up and deposit small pieces around the print bed.

Am I doing something wrong or is this just how the current multi material life is? Thinking of just rolling back to a single direct drive setup at this point 🙁

Posted : 07/12/2017 3:04 pm