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After a successful print  

Active Member
After a successful print

I find that, while the MMU adds a lot of hassle to prints, I _CAN_ get it to print. What I CAN'T get it to do is _unload_ the last used filament correctly in either the latest slic3r OR PrusaControl.

When I go to print the next thing, and if it uses a different extruder, and if I forget to preheat and remove the last used filament, I'll get a jam every single time.

Am I missing something obvious? Should there be some G-code at the end that parks the filament and leaves it in a usable state?

Posted : 02/01/2018 2:17 pm
Estimable Member
Re: After a successful print

It appears my prints are doing a park routine at the end. Are you on the latest firmware/slic3r?

Posted : 02/01/2018 6:31 pm
Trusted Member
Re: After a successful print

Preheating is key. I usually reset the printer after a print is done and then preheat/unload.

That being said the multiplexer is not perfect and a lot of people have been having jamming problems, myself included. Eventually it just broke.

I did a redesign without the steel tubes and I have about 30 hours of print time on it with no problems so far.

Here's the link if you want to give it a try.

I have a whole topic on it if you're interested in more detail.

Posted : 02/01/2018 11:27 pm
Noble Member
Re: After a successful print

The End G-code should retract the filament into the steel tubes, leaving it in a good state. I routinely re-print with the same four spools installed (just remove prints, and clean bed) without jams.

G1 E-4 F2100.00000
G1 Z1 F7200.000
G1 X245 Y1
G1 X240 E4
G1 F4000
G1 X190 E2.7
G1 F4600
G1 X110 E2.8
G1 F5200
G1 X40 E3
G1 E-15.0000 F5000
G1 E-50.0000 F5400
G1 E-15.0000 F3000
G1 E-12.0000 F2000
G1 F1600
G1 X0 Y1 E3.0000
G1 X50 Y1 E-5.0000
G1 F2000
G1 X0 Y1 E5.0000
G1 X50 Y1 E-5.0000
G1 F2400
G1 X0 Y1 E5.0000
G1 X50 Y1 E-5.0000
G1 F2400
G1 X0 Y1 E5.0000
G1 X50 Y1 E-3.0000
G4 S0
M107 ; fan off
M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
M140 S0 ; turn off heatbed
G28 X0 ; home X axis
M84 ; disable motors

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 03/01/2018 4:50 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: After a successful print

Odd. I'm running the latest firmware and the latest slic3r on the Mac and it wasn't showing that g-code...the new installation on the PC shows it for Slic3r, I'm poking about but haven't found the relevant parts of PrusaControl to see if it has it or not.

Posted : 03/01/2018 1:47 pm
Noble Member
Re: After a successful print

I am on a Mac also. Slic3r 1.38.6 Make sure the wizard either loads the MMU stuff for you, or you use "LOAD CONFIG BUNDLE" to load the INI file.

If you use OctoPi/OctoPrint, you can put this post GCODE in the "cancel" section to make a print canceled by OctoPrint perform correctly as well.

The stop print on the front panel (from SD card) has its own behavior which includes a full unload (option).

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 04/01/2018 4:58 am