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Problems with objects from a certain height above  

Eminent Member
Problems with objects from a certain height above

We have an Original Prusa i3 Mk2S with MMU and when we print PLA (FormFutura brand) problems appear from a certain height, especially when the (walls of the) object is/are thin. It looks like underextrusion but only after a certain height.
I am printing at Nozzle temp: 220, Bed: 60 with Slic3r PE 1.41.1. See the images for the phenomenon. Also, the files are attached.
Can someone help us?

Veröffentlicht : 01/04/2019 7:24 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Problems with objects from a certain height above

I have no experience with the MMU printers, but based on the progressive nature of the change I'd look for places where the filament can bind as the extruder lifts. Is the Bowden tube bending more as the head rises up? Maybe it is time to replace the PTFE?

Veröffentlicht : 03/04/2019 10:06 pm