MMU2s electronic - Where to find schematic?
Hi there
I am bored by the buffer currently used for the MMU2S. It often happens that the filament does not stay inside the buffer but is transferred out and makes a mess around the filament spool. I would like to build a shutter that prevents all filaments to be pushed back out of the buffer.
Therefore I am looking for a pin in the electronic signaling the push back off the filament. I think of using a solenoid for closing a bar in case of the filament is pushed back. I tried some other solutions but all are not suiting well. There is one with a clutch that works well but is really loud so I do not want to use it at night.
So I would need the schematic or description of all pins. Maybe there is a test pin where I can get this information from and also the available power outputs and ratings.
Does anybody know where to find that?
Regards, harald
RE: MMU2s electronic - Where to find schematic?
Think this is what you are looking for.
Tank you very much!
RE: MMU2s electronic - Where to find schematic?
thanks a lot. This is 100% what i need first. as far as I see I could use P6 - Shift out connector and mimic the shift register cicuitry. What would also be nice to know the used protocol. I could figure that out but, yes, it is easier to see the definition. Do you or someone else has a hint.
Regards, Harald
RE: MMU2s electronic - Where to find schematic?
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nec aspera terrent
RE: MMU2s electronic - Where to find schematic?
Entschuldigung. Hab ich übersehen.
Vielen Dank, Harald
RE: MMU2s electronic - Where to find schematic?
Wer freundlich fragt bekommt auch eine freundliche Antwort.
nec aspera terrent
RE: MMU2s electronic - Where to find schematic?
Schaltpläne, Firmware, Druckteile und Ähnliches zu den Prusa Konstruktionen findest Du hauptsächlich auf den Github Seiten.
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RE: MMU2s electronic - Where to find schematic?
Bin auch schon gespannt. Denke aber es könnte funktionieren. Bis bald, Harald
RE: MMU2s electronic - Where to find schematic?
You can also try this small addon for the buffer, that prevents the filament to come out: