XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found
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XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found  

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XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found


My i3mk2 has been working well for a long time. Yesterday I printed a bracket and it went fine. This morning I tried to start another print and I went to work... when I got back, the print had never started and I had an "not calibrated" message.

I turned off/on the printer, started the XYZ calibration but it failed... The first fast 4 points work well... then the calibration goes into the second stage... it finds the calibration point 1 and 2 without problem but when it goes to the point#3, the Z axis does not go down (as it did with the other calibration points)... so the pinda remain about 1cm in the air... too high to detect the calibration point.
(normally, the Z axis moves down very close to the bed when searching for the calibration points... but not with point #3... why?)

I checked the pinda and the red-light works when I move a metallic object near the red light turns off

I have not change the printer frame, so the frame is a "square" and as "level" as it's always been

Any idea as to what is happening please?

Posted : 22/06/2017 2:06 am
New Member
Re: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found

Did this get resolved?

Posted : 04/04/2018 5:23 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found

Yes. They sent me a replacement probe under warranty

Posted : 04/04/2018 8:03 pm
Eminent Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found

"XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found."
= Printer was unable to perfectly pinpoint the initial calibration point.

Seems to be a common error and my reads show no definite solution in all post/threads.

Mine occurs at point #2 before nozzle/pinda even gets close enough to trigger.

Posted : 09/07/2019 2:20 am
gregnier liked
New Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found

Same here . Started a couple of days ago. 

In reading these forums / github there is no single solution . Solutions vary from changing belts , repositioning of endstops , loading older firmware , repositioning the solid frame , replace PINDA probe , reposition pinda probe , reload current firmware rebuild the printer.  Pray quite a lot, And so on .

 In brief its an encyclopedia of solutions and good luck to you if you find one.  

What I haven't determined is the consequence of the error message . Can one go on printing just as one did before the calibration failure?

Posted : 09/07/2019 9:50 am
gregnier liked
Estimable Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found

There ALWAYS is a reason for the failed calibration.

Initially always the Pinda not triggered either for its broken (very rare) or skewed axis, endsops not working or such

and hence the points are not to be found where the software does expect them.

In my case it was just the belt-bracket below the bed which was a little bit loose and the calibration drove me crazy.

It sometimes gets weak and the screws are quite long. I now have a small piece of fine sanding paper glued to the bracket with the rough side to the bed. Once the bracket adjusted (elongated holes!) and tightened properly for me that did the trick...

This post was modified 6 years ago 2 times by alexander.s27
Posted : 09/07/2019 2:19 pm
gregnier liked
Active Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found


I have been having the same problems, in checking the machine, I noticed that the gear on the Y axis motor was loose - found by trying to move the bed back and forth.

Posted : 31/07/2019 8:34 pm
ken.r liked
New Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found

Dear friends,

During the times of quarantine, this happend to me today. Out of the blue, yesterday all worked fine, today not anymore. No mechanical damage in the meanwhile.

I cannot perform the calibration aynmore. The calibration of first four points goes well, fine tunning fails every time.

Did the XYZ reset, didnt help.

I checked pinda endstop, it works, all other endstops work as well. The pinda is exactly over the marked position, and it is aprox. 1mm above the nozzle. Screws are tighten, belts are tight.

No ideas anymore... please help.


best regards  and stay safe..


Posted : 23/03/2020 11:56 am
gregnier liked
Active Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found

I am currently having a similar problem with my Prusa i3 MK2 (from 2016).  It happens at the 2/4 initial calibration point (at the start of the calibration).  Sometimes it says it can't find the point and sometimes it scan briefly and moves on to points 3 & 4 but then rescanning multiple times before failing (and always only briefly stops at the 2/4 point).

This started after the y-axis belt pulled out on one side.  I replaced this belt and the x-axis belt (after the calibration problem).  The PINDA probe does find most of the points (and rarely all of them) and, if I manually move the probe, it shuts off over each calibration point.

In communicating with Prusa, they seem to feel it is a connection problem with the PINDA probe.  The calibration point in question is on a point on the bed that has had some abuse over the years nearby - some hotend marks in the bed from pushing down too far, etc.

Thanks for any and all help, suggestions, etc.

Posted : 10/04/2020 5:28 pm
gregnier liked
Eminent Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found

My MK3s can not find 1/4.


If there are two different "PINDA probes." The later probe has a temperature sensor, and the earlier model doesn't.

How does the user know which "PINDA probe" is installed? I installed the same "PINDA probe" that was in the original MK3. It seems a new and correct "PINDA probe," the one with the temperature sensor should be in the MK3s upgrade kit. It wasn't.

Posted : 10/04/2020 6:37 pm
Eminent Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found


You pose a great question. If one goes on, is it possible to damage the "heat bead?"

Posted : 10/04/2020 6:57 pm
Eminent Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found


This appears to be a big problem with MK3s "improvement." So far it is a liability! I am "dead-in-the-water" as far as being able to print anything. The reason I waited so long to make the upgrade was that I had so much to print. Now that I had this break, it seemed logical to go ahead with the change to MK3s. What a mistake! 

Posted : 10/04/2020 7:10 pm
Eminent Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found

My bug only appears after printer changes environment from sons house to mine every 2 months, we split the purchase as strictly a hobby, I assembled it and christened it and keep it tuned each visit. Just sweet talk to it, check firm/slicer version etc and treat like the first time you fired it up. 

Did not happen this move for PPE project but my mail box came to life today regarding it.

I'm out of charity funds and he has it back fine tuned and ready for what ever he prints with it.  After Covid smoke clears and Joseph gets back in business going to order a Mini, Nancy Pelosi gave me permission and

Posted : 10/04/2020 7:31 pm
gregnier liked
Eminent Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found


How do you know you have the right "PINDA probe installed?" We need to come up with an "orderly" list of possible causes, starting with the most likely to less likely. We need to then publish it here in the forum.

PRUSA customer service seems to be "out of commission" and of no help with this "printer killer" situation. I wonder if the "Boss" is aware of this problem?



Posted : 10/04/2020 7:34 pm
Eminent Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found


Well these are troubled times and they will address the issue when all is back to some kind of normal!

Posted : 10/04/2020 8:09 pm
Eminent Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found



What you say is very real. After multiple times of trying to get through XYZ calibration and failing 1 of 4 each time. (You can read posts that stipulate what I previously tried.) I just tried the calibration one last time. IT WORKED and survived all four calibration points.

All I did was touch one of the screw heads connecting the ENSEY board to the plastic electronics enclosure box. In other words, a screw that connects to the ground plane of the ENSEY board.

I strongly suspect there may be high frequency, non-decoupled switching edges on the ground plane system of the ENSEY PC board.

If someone has a high-frequency oscilloscope, they could measure the amplitude of these switching spikes referencing them to chassis ground. If someone could take a look and measure their magnitude, it may be enlightening to everyone, including Prusa Manufacturing. It could save a lot of time for those suffering the misery we have gone through trying to get the Calibration function to work. 

Posted : 11/04/2020 2:23 am
Eminent Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found



Who says? In this forum, seven people are complaining about the same problem. These complaints are RECENT! I wonder how many previous customers had XYZ calibration issues in the past?

These printers have been in production for a long time. I get the impression this XYZ calibration problem has existed since the beginning without any strict attention applied to find the root cause. This XYZ calibration function seems to be working "on a shoestring." Customers may get lucky, and the XYZ calibration could work.

Gerard Regnier

Posted : 13/04/2020 5:45 am
Active Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found

A quick followup - I've tried all the suggestions I can find and, at the moment, the XYZ calibration still fails on my machine, Prusa i3 MK2.  Luckily, my machine is square enough without the XY part of the calibration so I can run just the Z calibration and it finds all the PINDA calibration points on the bed.  As a result, I'm up and printing for our local effort to fight the COVID-19 crisis.

In the meantime, I've ordered the MK2 -> MK2.5S upgrade kit and a V1 PINDA probe.  The probe probably isn't the issue and isn't compatible with the upgrade but it wasn't expensive and it might arrive sooner than the upgrade kit.  I did determine that the PINDA probe is having some difficulty sensing the calibration points on the bed and I believe this is due to some of the abuse to the bed that has happened over time (my bad!).  There is one point where the code definitely acts differently while scanning and it's probably not seeing what it expects.

Along those lines, I'd LOVE to know what it is looking for, what it's finding, and why it aborts!  It would be really nice to have better diagnostic tools - both to help with user repairs AND to make it easier to measure and send information to Prusa when needed.  I'm going to suggest to them that I would be interested in such an effort and would be happy to develop tools with them that further this cause...

Posted : 13/04/2020 7:07 am
Estimable Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found
Posted by: @gerard-r2

These printers have been in production for a long time. I get the impression this XYZ calibration problem has existed since the beginning without any strict attention applied to find the root cause. This XYZ calibration function seems to be working "on a shoestring." Customers may get lucky, and the XYZ calibration could work.

I realy couldn´t and wouldn´t back this. The calibration works just fine.

Reason for failing calibration mostly is either initially to much skew in the frame where the calibration points could not be found where they are expected to be. Or later in the printers life worn out cables which most printer brands have in common. This just comes with the terrain with cables bending hence and forth for a long time. Other reasons could be the belt bracket beneath the bed not tight enough which too leads to misinterpretation where the points should be. Furthermore reason sometimes is the probe not properly preadjusted.

Building the printer just exactly following the manual and all will work just fine as id did and does for really lots of people...

Posted : 13/04/2020 9:32 am
Eminent Member
RE: XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found


It is easy to try to rationalize failure for many reasons.

When I do something as simple as a place a finger on one of the screws connected to GND on the ENSEY board and the XYZ calibration suddenly works when it didn't previously indicate there is an electrical problem.

What I did, tells me there is something grossly wrong going on with the grounding system. In my view, this exercise was clear and definitive. At least it is in my PRUSA i3mk3s. Since this shows to be a potential problem in my system, why shouldn't it be similar in other PRUSA i3mk3s systems? I believe they are all constructed the same and use the same firmware (assuming everyone followed the assembly instructions correctly)? Which I did to the letter, every jot, and tittle.

Again, has someone measured the parameters stipulated in my previous post? If so, where is the data? As you said, "Things do not fail for no reason."

Gerard Regnier

Posted : 14/04/2020 12:47 am
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