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Slicer BVOH Support question
Hey everyone.
I have a question regarding the Slic3rPE and how it calculates where supports are needed.
I would like to print a couple of miniature dungeon tiles with soluble support in them but in
the slicer I see that a lot of support is generated outside of the model which I don't really understand. Maybe I just screwed up the settings (although pretty much everything is standard settings and overhang threshold is set to 0). You can see in the two attached images that at the 4 sides of the model a lot of material is wasted as no support is needed there. Does anyone know how to make sure the support is only generated in the crevices?
Napsal : 18/01/2019 1:11 pm
RE: Slicer BVOH Support question
There is not, but at least it is not much material and it is easy to remove.
Napsal : 13/05/2019 11:24 pm