Bad stepper or driver?
I have recently started hearing this ungodly noise coming from my x axis stepper. Is the stepper going bad or is it my board that needs to be replaced?
RE: Bad stepper or driver?
Video from original post wasnt working. Uploaded the video to youtube
RE: Bad stepper or driver?
Have you lurbricated the bearings and rods recently?
Prusa Knowledge Base | Maintenance tips (
Check the belt tension as well
Prusa Knowledge Base | Adjusting belt tension MK3/S (
Finally check the idler pulley on the RHS, the bearing in them can fail and start grinding
You can also switch off and move the carriage very slowly back and forth, (dont move too quick) see if you can track the noise down to one particular area.
Tank you very much!
RE: Bad stepper or driver?
I have checked the belt tension and lubricated the bearings but i am still getting the noise. The noise is not always present either. It only happens occasionally but it is there for every print. I did not hear anything resembeling that noise when i manually moved the carriage.