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I am upgrading from i3 mk2 to 2.5 can I still use my mmu 1.0

Posted : 10/12/2018 4:04 am
Noble Member
Re: 2.5/mmu1

I bet money Joan knows.... ohh Joan?

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Posted : 10/12/2018 4:40 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: 2.5/mmu1

short answer, No... not using the mk2.5 upgrade instructions...

longer answer,
the mmu1 uses a dedicated extruder and multiplexor setup (with remote bowden filament drivers), that predates the 2.5. so you wouldn't need the 2.5 extruder body and direct extruder parts because MMU1 has two or four bondtech bowden filament drives on the printer frame top rail..

the 2.5 upgrade uses a mk52 heatbed, and I am unsure whether the sense points for XY calibration are in the same place as the mk42 heatbed.

if you are prepared to ignore XY calibration, then with the build plate in position, Z calibration on mk2 firmware should work with the mk52 heatbed...

I don't know if the mk2.5 firmware will work with the MMUv1 remote filament bowden drivers...(it's probably set up for mmuv2, and we are being told that the rambo memory allocation is nearly full, so it probably doesn't support both MMU's.
mk2, mk2s, and MMUv1 firmware has stalled at version 3.1.0
Mk2.5, mk3 and MMUv2 is now on firmware 3.5.0 , this suggests that they are not fully compatible.

I need to try my mk52 12volt heatbed on my mmuv1 , so I will try and do that this week... because I want to try my Powder coated build plate on my mmuv1. clipping a pei stickered sheets on the mk42 heat bed seemed to work ok, but clipping the powder coated build plate onto the same heatbed, seemed to give indecisive live Z adjustment

so later this week, I may have a mk2.1 mmuv1 printer 🙂

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 10/12/2018 8:55 am
Noble Member
Re: 2.5/mmu1

thank you Joan. I just knew you knew all the gory details.

rambo memory allocation is nearly full... I think most of us can tell.

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Posted : 10/12/2018 9:36 am