MMU Upgrade confusion
Hi Folks,
My Mk2 MMU has been a bumpy ride,
when the mk2.5 / mk3 upgrade was advertised, I put my money on the line and ordered the upgrade, Mk2 to Mk2.5 upgrade,( not delivered yet), and MMU upgrade ( not yet delivered) in addition to my New Mk3...
when my Mk3 arrived I had problems with the filament sensor being unreliable.
Prusa replaced the sensor.
I had a sensor error on the very next print... shiny TPU filament...
as the mk2 upgrade was advertised as providing extra filament sensors. I asked Prusa to put a hold on my order pending resolution of the sensor issue
below are the upgrade offers that were on the table
as you can see, from the three clips above, I was advised to go for the first upgrade, because I already had an MMU setup...
have I gone wrong, so far?
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
More recently Joe Blogged
this information seemed comforting, so I had a chat with support on the eChat service
the chat suggested that as an existing MMU User, I would not get the new setup.
but the agent said they would confirm today, when the main office was open.
and below is the confirmation...
I am really upset...
I sincelely hope that prusa revisits this decision. because on the present configuration I feel that I am being invited to throw good money after bad...
My MMU cost £218,
upgrade cost £ 58
total £276
and, as I feel at the moment, little hope of the solution being satisfactory.
PERHAPS it's time for prusa to either upgrade existing users to the new solution within the existing price platform, or offer a full upgrade to the early adopters, on a beneficial rate
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
I looked back at the upgrades page and
the prices for the upgrades have dissappeared...
however the pictures still show the old configuration, and there is NO MENTION of the V2 MMU
Come on Joe,
please review this situation and support your supporters!
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
😮 PS, did I mention that I was upset? 😯
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
Seconded. Actually thanks, I was just about to ask them the same in the chat.
It would be quite simple:
One option to go from MK2(s)+MMU to MK2.5 with new MMU (without the unneeded & expensive bondtechs for example, I guess so many users have this combination)
One option to go from MK2.5 with old MMU to new MMU
If they offer this (at reasonable price & possibly without printed parts to reduce the wait), I'll be a very happy user.
If they mess this up I'll just source and build the parts myself, but it would be maddening.
Edit: I can see them trying to move strategically here, and really hope they don't. The way I see it once the new design works we'll more or less instantly see cheap ripoffs from China. It's much easier to build, with a lot less empirical testing involved, and will work on a very wide range of printers.
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
Thanks for the info 🙂
At this stage, it's kinda hard to know how things can be updated for those who already have the previous version of the MMU. The MMU upgrade to 2.5/3 will probably be different (and for now, it's impossible to order it) as it was designed for MMU 1.0 .
Which leaves open the question of how those of us who already have MMU 1.0 may upgrade to MMU 2.0 and then to MK2.5/3 and your answer from the chat seems to tell MMU 1.0 user will need to be a whole new MMU 2.0 to upgrade.
Given the mechanical system is different, I also expect different firmware between the old and the new system, maybe even for Slic3r.
I have a MK2s with MMU. I don't like the current system a lot although it's doing its job properly. I am waiting for the 2.5 upgrade mainly for the removable heated bed but the new MMU 2.0 is more appealing and is convincing enough for me to consider buying it but I am not very willing to buy a whole new assembly at this stage.
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
You can't see how many bondtechs they use, but probably only one set in the extruder. Possibly another set in the switching carriage. We already have those. Also I don't see why they would develop a new switchboard (except to build it cheaper with only two motor outs), we also have that. And enough motors. Just upgrading the MMU to what you see in the new one would require a set of threaded and smooth rods with bearings, one or two filament sensors, a Noctua fan, printed parts and new slicer settings (the way I see it the firmware would be probably identical to MK2s without MMU + options to load/unload filament selectively).
In principle, I could see that at around 40-50€.
To upgrade to MK2.5 you additionally need only the heatbed, unless I missed something.
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
I would say that giving the existing community of MMU 1.0 user the opportunity to have a fresh start to MMU 2.0 with a discount for the kit would be nice and would not involve buying another set of part to upgrade. Reading the comments about the problem with the MMU, a part of the MK2/s MMU 1.0 users may be pissed off or they may felt kinda left behind knowing that they may not be able to move to MK2.5 without buying a whole new MMU kit.
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
I’m in the same boat: I have the MK2/S with the MMU upgrade and I have ordered the MK2.5 upgrade (not yet received). I am now tempted to cancel the MK2.5 upgrade, but I don’t know if they will offer an upgrade path:
-for MK2/S + MMU user
- for MK2.5 users
- or for both of them
Maybe they offer no upgrade path for MMU v 1.0 users at all and we just have to buy a full new upgrade kit. It would be very good, if Prusa could comment on this and don’t leave us guessing, what is about to come.
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
I wouldn't panic just yet. Usually the support team is the last to find out new details because all the other departments have to sign off on changes before support gets briefed with the final info, so I wouldn't go by what support is telling you for now.
They have a good track record of taking care of customers in terms of orders and prices. On the other hand, their track record for shipping MMUs on time is not so good. I will be very impressed if they manage to ship this in May as stated.
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
I have a MK2 with MMU upgraded to MK2s.
Currently the printer works, but I'm not too happy with the decrease in print quality the MMU brought me, and the loss of the ability to print flexibles (although I knew or suspected that before going in)
I consider my MMU a failed experiment and am very glad they managed to get a better idea.
I'll buy the MK3 later this year with MMU2 BUT this time I will wait for reviews before Ordering.
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
The confusion does not exist when you read the post carefully and dismantle the for the update process important sentence:
The red text is copied from here:
Which is the small upgrade kit with the filament sensors. So I am quite sure that I will receive the 2.0 Upgrade 😎
The big upgrade is the "current orders" in my opinion.
Short version: As far as I understood, no MMU V1.0 will be shipped at any time again. Every MMU Upgrade, small or big, will be V2.0.
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
I interpreted it the same as Marvin. I have a 2.5 upgrade on order and a MMU upgrade on order for the 2.5/3. I expect that in the end I'll have a 2.5 with MMU 2.0 from those orders and the way the blog was written.
Prolly end up with an extra extruder motor and maybe an extra filament sensor when all is said and done.
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
I also saw the same info, but when I spoke to support they said
which negated what was written in the blog
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
I also saw the same info, but when I spoke to support they said
Message body
According to our chat. I received info that there will be no new design with this upgrade.
It will include only filament sensor.
We should start shipping it in second half of March.
which negated what was written in the blog
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
@marvin.b: Yes, that's what I understood from the blog post as well. However, it doesn’t give any information when you have the MK2/S and the MMU v 1.0 upgrade already installed. These people (like me) should have most of the parts (motors etc.) already.
With my MK2.5 upgrade on order (hasn’t been shipped yet) I also should get the filament sensors…
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
This is what the support just told me when asking about how Prusa will handle
"MK2S MMU v1.0" to "MK2S MMU v2.0"
"as per usual we will be providing an upgrade for the V1 MMU's to the V2 MMU upgrades as our policy so for all clients to be able to update to our latest improvements but we are currently working on this so this will be available soon and in regards to the price difference there would be vouchers for clients who made recent purchases in compensation"
--> sounds good to me !
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
This is what the support just told me when asking about how Prusa will handle
"MK2S MMU v1.0" to "MK2S MMU v2.0"
"as per usual we will be providing an upgrade for the V1 MMU's to the V2 MMU upgrades as our policy so for all clients to be able to update to our latest improvements but we are currently working on this so this will be available soon and in regards to the price difference there would be vouchers for clients who made recent purchases in compensation"
--> sounds good to me !
it would have been so much easier if this was the response I got from the beginning!
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Re: MMU Upgrade confusion
From this post: