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Z height different after each print  

New Member
Z height different after each print

Hello guys,

im having problems doing solid object.
I found out that my problem may be inconsistent z height after each print. I made two same models from this video
and kept changing z height till i got somewhat solid surface.

Somehow i had to keep changing z layer height up to -3.5mm and got solid object so i tried once more and from the start the object wasnt solid i guess stringed surface you can say with the same settings ( i just cleaned the bed with isopropyl and started again) . So i thought wouldnt that be funny if i had to change it so far to be around -1mm off? And yeah when i cranked it up to -4.5mm from 3.5mm i got the same result as before with lower z height.

Any ideas??

Thanks alot.

Opublikowany : 09/11/2018 10:29 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Z height different after each print

When i think about it. First time i was trying my printer out i was having better results with -1.15mm than 0.00mm. The print after didnt work with that same setting and look pretty much like object with 0.00mm adjust.

So my idea is that even tho it shows up as adjusted to X.XXmm it actually resets to 0.00mm and to get it to ~ -1.15mm you have to add it to the showed value.

Any idea how this might be possible? Or how can i fix it?

Opublikowany : 09/11/2018 10:36 pm
Active Member
Re: Z height different after each print

Unfortunately I don't know how to fix it, but it looks very much like what I am experiencing:

I think it is a bug in the software... (or I don't understand the live Z settings, but then I'd appreciate an explanation).

In my case, the ever changing Z height occurred after I had played around with OctoPrint (mostly to visualize the height differences between the 9 PINDA measurements because I tried to increase flatness by adding very thin spacers under the mounting screws).

I don't know whether the Z height issue was really related to using OctoPrint or whether its occurrence at that time was only mere coincidence.

Point is, Z height increased from print to print afterwards even with no OctoPrint connected. A cold boot reset the Z height back to what it should have been, but after that it kept increasing again from print to print. The change in Z height looked as if it the correction made affected the new reference level in the next print. (e.g. a working live Z went from -0.7 to -1.4 and then -2.1).

In the meanwhile, I have re-run the "Wizard" in the menu to "reset" all settings, and Z values are stable again (but I did not re-connect OctoPrint).

Would love to hear from some of the Prusa folks whether this problem is known...

Opublikowany : 11/11/2018 5:12 pm