Issue during the XYZ Calibration - PINDA apparently good and XYZ first steps ok
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Issue during the XYZ Calibration - PINDA apparently good and XYZ first steps ok  

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Issue during the XYZ Calibration - PINDA apparently good and XYZ first steps ok


To setup the picture , for me reason I kept my Printer MK2 multimaterial not used for 3 years . I start by this to clean the kit built mistake or errors.

I restarted the machine and went through the different steps.

Autotest works perfectly.

As the "paper test" grabbed the paper sheet, I pulled down a little bit the pinda sensor. The nose is still below the pinda sensor of course.

Restarted the test and no more grabbing of the paper sheet.

Then the next step starts with the 9 imporvment points. All good as well .

Now , when it goes to the "calibration high ", I see the nose touching significantly the bed.

The Calibration ends saying all is ok, X/Y are ok ..etc...

Checked, the pind must be between 0.3 and 1mm from the bed, which is correct ...

Anyone would have any suggestion




I then now

This topic was modified před 3 years 2 times by smalldragoon
Napsal : 19/03/2022 10:07 pm