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Can anyone get this to work reliably?  

Bill Langlais
New Member
Can anyone get this to work reliably?

First of a bit about myself.   I have been 3d printing for over 5 years and have owned about 10 different printers.   My first printer was a Makerbot 2 which I upgraded to have a heated platform and several other mods.  So I am not a 3d printing novice.

I purchased a MK3S+ and the MMU 9 months ago and I still have been able to print anything once I added the MMU unit.   I first built the printer and did a sample print which went ok.   I then built the MMU and set it up.   I was able to get it to work well enough to do the first layer calibration but ran into adhesion issues.  As a result I started running first layer calibration multiple times.  While doing this the MMU started to malfunction.   Since then I have made several attempts to get things working.   While working with Prusa support via chat I have been able to get the printer working with a single filament but after a couple of first layer calibration the MMU starts to malfunction again.   This is with trying to use the printer with only the first filament and not trying to switch filaments the MMU stops working and I have to go back to support and work with the MMU to get it working again only to have it fail again and again after running one or two first layer calibrations.  I have never gotten past this point to actually do a print!     What I do not understand is how can it work once and without changing from the single selected filament it stops working.   It makes me wonder if this will ever work reliably and I should just accept that the MMU is junk and look for other options for multi filament printing.   Maybe Pallet would work better?


If anyone thinks this thing is any good please help me figure out how to get it to work reliably.

Questa discussione è stata modificata 3 years fa da Bill Langlais
Postato : 26/04/2022 8:49 pm