What's this problem called and how do I solve it
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What's this problem called and how do I solve it  

Peter Leibundgut
New Member
What's this problem called and how do I solve it


Please see picture attached:

Can you please tell me how this problem is called and maybe point me in the right direction to solve it.

thanks in advance

Napsal : 13/08/2018 8:40 am
New Member
Re: What's this problem called and how do I solve it

It's a little difficult to tell, was it printed vertically like that or did you rotate it to show us the problem?

If it was printed as shown, that issue is happening where the new layers start, right? If so, I would call it a layer-change zit. The problem is likely a retraction setting issue; either extra restart distance is too high, you're wiping without retraction, or it's not retracting enough between layers.

Which slicer are you using? What kind of material are you using? Temp of hot-end?

Napsal : 16/08/2018 2:18 am