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Struggling with printing multiple objects. Need help!!
I have a prusa printer going on 2 years now, (I think its a mk2) I can pretty much print everything I ask it too.
Except when I try to print multiple objects at once, I seem to get crashes or print faillures.
But I can clean the table, then print one solo and no issues.
is there a trick to printing multiple versions of something at once
Veröffentlicht : 03/03/2022 7:21 pm
RE: Struggling with printing multiple objects. Need help!!
This is the XL printer forum. It isn't out yet, so that is why there are no posts here. Posting in the group for your printer might help, along with the specific model and the slicer you are using.
Veröffentlicht : 04/03/2022 7:14 am
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