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Slicer limitations  

Active Member
Slicer limitations

Hi everyone!

I have a bit of issue with printing limmitations of slicer.

Lets put it simple:
When I draw object 1mm wide 0.2mm thick (just one layer) and for example 2cm long and I stack that body (in solidworks not in slicer) aside one to another 0.1mm apart, slicer will generate this correctly. BUT when I merge it to biger object to say make a ventilation for example, the slicer completely ignores the 0.1 holes and put an infill there instead... When you view it in 3D its there, but wont generate paths correctly. (I have tried even the new "fix model" feature... it worked just on half.. it generated 50% of holes correctly).

Any idea how to solve that or its just a bug in slicer?

PS: I have tried to "hotfix" it by separating the mesh by cutting frame around it. Thinnest succesfull solution was 0.1mm from rest of the object which is too much... the mesh just falls out after printing...

Napsal : 18/07/2018 11:47 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Slicer limitations

Ou I have just happend to find crude workaround.

Still Iam curious if there is some setting or something I have missed...


Napsal : 18/07/2018 12:35 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Slicer limitations

Without sufficient information, it's difficult to properly respond. You could include the STL, screenshots, slicer profiles etc. All that would help. You could also have a look to see if other slicers handle the model differently, which would give a clue as to whether the problem is with your model or Slic3r.

If you do find a fault in Slic3r, best to report it on GitHub.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Napsal : 18/07/2018 3:28 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Slicer limitations

I have made example STL files:

Also here are screens from prusa slicer (basic PET settings, 0.2 layer)

I dont have the newest slicer PE here but the result is the same... If I use the repair model function it still wont recognise all spacings in the model.

Napsal : 19/07/2018 7:46 am