Printer refuses to print, i dont know what to do
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Printer refuses to print, i dont know what to do  

New Member
Printer refuses to print, i dont know what to do

I've been at a war with my Prusa I3 MK2 for 2 weeks now. I managed to fix my calibration issues, but now my extruder is giving me issues.

It starts great. The first layer is texbook. Adhesion is great, layer height perfect, but after about 3-4mm it all goes to hell.

I have a video of what that looks like.

Please help, I dont know what to do anymore, what to fix.

This is the video showing the issue:

Here's the GCode:

Opublikowany : 05/09/2018 8:36 pm
Active Member
Re: Printer refuses to print, i dont know what to do

Looks like it may be a broken model. If you haven't got things fixed by now, try to print one of the Prusa models that come with the printer.

Opublikowany : 18/09/2018 8:00 pm