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Issues with TPU printing  

Active Member
Issues with TPU printing

Hello, I have a MK2/s since a couple of weeks and I have been printing a lot with PLA which works fine so far. I started printing with TPU (flexible PLA) and I am a bit disappointed about the results (and also the MK2/s as I thought it would be less problematic and really be fed with everything easily). I have a bigger object to print (around 11 h of work) and I did not manage to print it. Smaller parts have been ok though. At some point the filament gets messed up at the feeder/extruder drive gear and curls up popping out the access window. I use slic3r tool and print with the preset flex settings that comes with the software. I loosened the idler screws of the extruder from 13 mm as default and tried 14, 15, 16 and more mm but always same result. I also cleaned the nozzle with the acupuncture needle. What else can I do? I am a bit puzzled at the moment. Any help is welcome.

Publié : 11/01/2019 9:34 pm
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