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Other Heating Bed  

New Member
Other Heating Bed

Hello, unfortunately I have to translate with Google. I have the Prusa MK2 / S with the heating bed MK42. Can I alternatively use other heating beds? Or do I have to use the expensive original. Because there the PET sticks oily objects firmly. Accordingly, my interface looks now.

Napsal : 28/12/2018 3:29 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Other Heating Bed

if your models are not sticking to your pei sheet, you can try cleaning the PEI sheet with dish wash detergent, or pure acetone! ... Information here >>>

you can change the PEI sheet, if yours is damaged... information here >>>

XYZ calibration on the Mk2, uses special pads in the surface of the mk42 heatbed, to show if the frame is straight or skewed.

you could upgrade to Mk2.5 and this would give you a removeable print surface...

if you change out the heatbed for a non prusa bed, you will lose the xyz calibration facility.

you could add stick on, removeable build plates, but this may upset bed levelling.

stick on magnetic surfaces have low temperature capabilities. which may be a problem

or you could buy someone elses' heatbed and manage whatever problems come with that!

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 28/12/2018 9:14 pm