Multiple Failures: Fails to calibrate and X end stop nonexistent now?
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Multiple Failures: Fails to calibrate and X end stop nonexistent now?  

New Member
Multiple Failures: Fails to calibrate and X end stop nonexistent now?

Hey all, my issues started off with the printer suddenly unable to find the 4th calibration point (middle right) of the heat bed - it kept saying that the extruder was blocked/had debris on it or the bed did. I cleaned the bed with isopropyl alcohol (91%) and also cleaned off the extruder after heating it up some to melt what little built up plastic there was on there from previous failures. After doing that it still registered as a failure to find due to the aforementioned issues. After researching the issue I found that the Z axis might be out of alignment so I re-aligned it to be sure and upon trying a bed leveling I received an error saying that the PINDA probe was too high. I tried tinkering with the Live Adjust Z thinking that might have been the issue and the next test resulted with the extruder pressing DOWN on the bed which I hurriedly rushed to stop and get the extruder off the bed.

I haven't found any cracks or scratches on the bed so I tried re-adjusting the PINDA probe and now I simply can't even get it to get past the X-End Stop test; it simply keeps trying to move towards the motor and doesn't stop despite hitting the end stop. Examined that area and the end stop isn't loose at all but the motor had come slightly lose so I tried tightening it with no change in results.

I'm completely at my wit's end.

Opublikowany : 02/08/2018 3:22 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Multiple Failures: Fails to calibrate and X end stop nonexistent now?

Nevermind y'all, I fixed it! Re-adjusted x-end stop!

Opublikowany : 02/08/2018 4:04 pm