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MK2S Bed Damage  

New Member
MK2S Bed Damage

While printing sons college project the print detached from print bed,at 4 hours into an 11 hour print, and got caught up in print head.

We tried restarting new print but the printer gave calibration error. Attempted to re-calibrate printer and nozzle hit bed and damaged bed surface on second point of the 4 point cal, with multiple score marks (Did not get to ON/OFF switch quick enough when paper started to move).

Not sure if it just the PEI surface damage or actual bed is damaged. Unclear on the Prusa website whether I need to replace PEI surface or the entire print bed. Prusa website indicates PEI sheets are out of stock, no mention of a Mk2S bed, and an upgrade to a Mk2.5 is now scheduled in July.

We have a Mk2S printer with a Mk 42 bed.

Son is now desperate, as he may now fail his college course if incomplete project handed in (College submission material and deadlines are unfortunately non negotiable). Any advice or guidance would be gratefully received.


Veröffentlicht : 06/05/2018 7:49 pm
Estimable Member
Re: MK2S Bed Damage

The full bed is in stock. You have to be logged in to see parts.

Not sure if that will solve the original problem but it will get your bed fixed. Make sure to be ready to hit the reset button if the head contacts the bed surface.

Veröffentlicht : 06/05/2018 8:50 pm
Estimable Member
Re: MK2S Bed Damage

While printing sons college project the print detached from print bed,at 4 hours into an 11 hour print, and got caught up in print head.

I have had this happen and usually it requires a bit of cleaning up around the print head/heat block/Pinda area which can cause 'things' to shift.

We tried restarting new print but the printer gave calibration error. Attempted to re-calibrate printer and nozzle hit bed and damaged bed surface on second point of the 4 point cal, with multiple score marks (Did not get to ON/OFF switch quick enough when paper started to move).

Because of possible aforementioned shift, you FIRST need to go back to the last step of the assembly doc and do '9. Preflight check' to make sure the nozzle and Pinda are at proper distance from heat bed THEN run the software calibration steps.

Not sure if it just the PEI surface damage or actual bed is damaged. Unclear on the Prusa website whether I need to replace PEI surface or the entire print bed. Prusa website indicates PEI sheets are out of stock, no mention of a Mk2S bed, and an upgrade to a Mk2.5 is now scheduled in July.

The Prusa manual will not tell you this as it depends on how deep the scores are. As long as the bed is just scored and not cracked or split then you should be able to use it as is to at least complete the project assuming you do not need the full print area. Note: I scored my bed at the first point of calibration but used it successfully for months before I had time to replace the PEI sheet.

Afterwards you may save some time by first peeling back the PEI sheet in the area of the scores to determine if they go into the bed itself and, if so, how deep. Then you can determine if you want/need to remove and replace just the sheet or the entire bed.

In closing, this is how it worked for me but without seeing your printer it is hard to recommend a specific action other than hardware and then software calibration.

- MK3s w/Mosquito Hotend- Mini w/Copperhead Hotend- XL - 5 tool -OpenScad -3d Builder -FreeCAD -Alibre -OctoPrint/x3(Pi3B)

Veröffentlicht : 07/05/2018 3:48 am
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: MK2S Bed Damage

Many thanks for the replies.

As the Mk42 bed is in stock and the PEI sheets are out of stock, I have opted for the new bed, so hopefully it will arrive in time to finish off the printing for his college project.

After the bed surface was damaged, I checked the print head over and found the Pinda significantly raised above where it should be or where I set it during the initial setup. When a section of my print detached from the main print, it must have jammed under the Pinda which was then pushed it out of position. I have checked the Pinda with a metal ruler and the light still turns on and off, so it should still be OK.

The below image is a photo, as best I can, of the damage to the bed. Looking end on the PEI is raised up over 1mm in height.

Many thanks once again for providing much needed advice

Kind regards


Veröffentlicht : 07/05/2018 9:09 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: MK2S Bed Damage

As long as your hotbed is still heating,

As a get out of jail free card. You could go 'old school' and put masking tape (painters tape) across the build plate. And print on that. Or use gluestick
And sort the pei out later

Or if you know a local printer owner they may have spares. Or time to do the print for you.

Maybe a local library has a printer that you can share. Or perhaps visit a local hack space or maker space...

Where do you live.

I have spare pei in the Uk.

Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 07/05/2018 3:28 pm