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MK2 Shifting after Firmware Update  

Active Member
MK2 Shifting after Firmware Update

I bought my MK2 in February of 2017, and I finally decided to update to the most recent firmware last week as I’ve just moved my printer to a new workstation in my home. After I updated the firmware, every print I have done has shifted. At first the shifts were 5-10mm along the X axis. I realized my filament was tangled and thought that may be the issue, but even after fixing that, the shifts persisted, now in X some times, and Y others. I went back to the previous firmware release, but the issue persisted.
I noticed today that the shifts begin at the same point on every print - about 5 mm up. I’ve been printing the Gear Bearing fidget spinner that comes preloaded on the SD card over and over. Tonight I started a different print to see if there is some sort of issue with that file, but I had printed this in the past with no issue, so I don’t know why that would change.
Has anyone else experienced similar issues with this on an MK2? I noticed that the release notes mention that the base speed was increased by 10-15mm/sec - could this be causing issues? I can’t find anything mechanically obstructing my printer’s movement, so I think it has to be something electronics or software related.

Thank you in advanced for any help/advice!

Opublikowany : 13/10/2018 5:29 am
French moderator and translator Moderator
Re: MK2 Shifting after Firmware Update


First, FYI, I've moved your topic in the proper subcategory of the forum.

Regarding your issue, have you checked that your belts are properly tensioned? Indeed, with loose belts, a speed increase could lead to more risk to skip and then shift the print.

Opublikowany : 13/10/2018 7:15 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MK2 Shifting after Firmware Update


First, FYI, I've moved your topic in the proper subcategory of the forum.

Regarding your issue, have you checked that your belts are properly tensioned? Indeed, with loose belts, a speed increase could lead to more risk to skip and then shift the print.

Well shoot... don’t I feel dumb! My belts obviously weren’t tensioned as well as I thought. Pulled X and Y a little tighter and the issue is GONE. It’s always nice when the solution is something simple you’ve overlooked.

Thank you, LaPointe for the quick reply (and for moving this to the proper place in the forum)

Opublikowany : 14/10/2018 7:11 am
French moderator and translator Moderator
Re: MK2 Shifting after Firmware Update

Happy to help! :mrgreen:

This forum is here for that, when you're alone in front of an issue, it is sometimes difficult to see the obvious.

Opublikowany : 14/10/2018 10:12 am