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Mesh leveling - Hit bed on last point  

Active Member
Mesh leveling - Hit bed on last point

Just before the print starts and it does is Mesh leveling. The first 8 points sense nicely but in the 9 point the extruder drivers into the bed by a few mm's then starts printing (I assume the sensor detected something)

Anyone know what could be causing this??

I've had the printer for since the MK2 came out and it's been fine until now.

Opublikowany : 16/09/2018 3:42 pm
Frans Krau
Trusted Member
Re: Mesh leveling - Hit bed on last point

Could be that the wire of the PINDA is just to be broken (only the "last" string of the cable makes poor contact). And that this first occurs on the 9th point. Place the printhead on that 9th point, place a peace of metal under the pinda, so that the PINDA recognizes the metal (PINDA led is on), then move the cable to see if the led of the PINDA goes out and on. If that's the case replace the cable (or replace the PINDA).

Frans Krau
Europe, Holland, Apeldoorn

Opublikowany : 16/09/2018 5:37 pm