Maintenance after long time of not using my printer
First of all, sorry if this is the wrong place to post, I can delete my post if it is not the correct place.
So, lets get to the problem in hand. I haven't been able to use my printer for more than a year now for various reasons and now that I'm back home and my printer is with me again, I'm ready to get printing. But I noticed in my test print that there was an obvious decrease in first layer quality and general quality of prints (I'm using a new spool of filament), even though some might think that it is still an okay quality, I know that my MK2S can do much better than that.
What would be the best way to ensure my printer prints the way it did when I was using it regularly. I thought about disassembling it and then assembling it again but decided to ask you guys about it since I'm not that confident in my own knowledge. I just like printing stuff, thats all lol. What parts do you think would require a check ?
Thank you very much in advance for all the answers!
RE: Maintenance after long time of not using my printer
If I had issues after a long pause, I'd just do a normal calibration procedure for the printer: the same one you do after completing a build.
Then do a layer one coupon test (to get Live-Z layer one dialed in), a test cube (to verify X,Y,Z scales are back in spec), and you should be good to go.
RE: Maintenance after long time of not using my printer
Thank you very much for the advice. I'll give it a go when I get home after work. Hopefully test cube comes out okay <3