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Mainboard blown on MK2/s  

New Member
Mainboard blown on MK2/s

We have a MK2/S on our school which seem to have blown the mainboard due to malassembly of the motors, Z was fitted in the X's place and some wrong wire attachement. Seems like the board is gone. Unfortunately it is not the fuses. Have been looking around but can't seem to find any. Where would you guys go to get a new one?

Best regards - and thank you in advance

Peter A

Postato : 11/09/2020 10:54 am
Clemens M.
Noble Member
RE: Mainboard blown on MK2/s


in PrusaShop that would be the part you need for your printer - that is possibility 1:

Possibility 2 is bying an Arduino Mega 2560, Ramps Board 1.6, 4 drivers for the stepper-motors and start configuration of Marlin firmware. But this needs a bit of time and when going that way you will always have to update your firmware by your own. So if you don´t have the skills and the time for doing that I would choose the original board (which is really expensive).

Best regards, Clemens

Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)

Postato : 11/09/2020 11:26 am
Noble Member
RE: Mainboard blown on MK2/s

Hi Peter,

Best option is to buy the original replacement part. I can see it available in the shop.

Attaching different motors to wrong outputs will not damage the board. All motor outputs are controlled by the same type of driver. Same current, same voltage. There is no (electrical) harm to attach z motor to extruder output for example. So before installing new board, make sure to check for other root cause for not operating printer.

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Postato : 11/09/2020 5:57 pm