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Latest firmware for I3 MK2  

New Member
Latest firmware for I3 MK2

Hey everyone,

I just entered Prusa world. First time working on Prusa printer.. and I love it. I got modified Ender 3 Pro also. I got used i3 MK2, manage to level it, do all the calibrations.. everything is fine (besides noisy bearings 🙂 , but new ones are ordered)

I also wanted to update to latest FW but since I am still learning and dont know difference between mk2, mk2s, mk2.5 etc etc.. can you guys and girls tell me which FW is latest?!


Opublikowany : 30/12/2022 4:52 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Latest firmware for I3 MK2

Also on bed there is transparent "sticker", possible PEI sheet ?! But I noticed on few places it have deep scratches, is it easy to replace it or buy metal/other sheet and put on top ?

Opublikowany : 30/12/2022 5:00 pm
Illustrious Member

All the assembly and upgrade manuals are here:

You should be able to work it out...

Yes, that is the PEI sheet.  New ones are available from the Prusa Shop, 'Parts & Accessories' at top of this page.

For latest software and firmware, 'Software' also at top of this page.



Opublikowany : 30/12/2022 11:43 pm